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  Circular letter 6 (october 2002)
Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2002 15:57:17 +0200
From: dulfer@xs4all.nl
Subject: circular letter
Cc: d_Dulfer@hetnet.nl, basman <basman@xs4all.nl>
Bcc: alluvathsalya@yahoo.com, antenna@eth.net, bshpdkl@yahoo.com, csatts@sify.com, dmcsi@md4.vsnl.net.in, evdinga@rediff.com, halliday@sancharnet.in, jkum2000@hotmail.com, leivonccc@yahoo.co.in, pcicomshg@yahoo.com, pfrank_dalit@yahoo.com, Revdinga 021@yahoo.com, riniralte@lycos.com, shobha8@hotmail.com, solomonraj32@hotmail.com, try_nehmiah@sancharnet.in, ttsmdu@sify.com, tvm_nalinin@sancharnet.in, vjwmaurice@sancharnet.in

Dear friends,
On Thursday evening, the 3rd of October, my beloved Lucy passed away in full peace.
As she told us several times over the last few days, the day of her death would be her day of liberation.
In our announcement (see http://www.xs4all.nl/~dulfer/rouwkaart/rouwkaart.gif) we wrote:
"We very much loved her and now we have lost her.
She is no longer where she was,
but always where we are."
Next Tuesday, the 8th of October, we will hold a memorial service in our church in Amersfoort. Later that day, family members and close friends will attend the cremation ceremony. Lucie will be buried in our family grave in Ede, the town where I was born.
I hope to be able to write you again in a few weeks time (following my next chemotherapy treatment). Also to tell you about the marriage of Bas and Ida that she was unable to attend.
Thank you for all messages and other token of your friendship that we received in recent weeks.
Gerard Dulfer,
also on behalf of my sons and daughters-in-law.
Gerard H.Dulfer
Sint Andriesstraat 18
3811 HT Amersfoort
The Netherlands
Tel. + 31 33 479 99 50
Email: dulfer@xs4all.nl