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  Circular letter 4 (juli 2002)
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 09:18:29 +0200
From: dulfer@xs4all.nl
Subject: circular letter 4
Bcc: aliemars@druknet.net.bt, edberg@skyinet.net, jingyi1962@163.net, julinath@aol.com, malpim@octa4.net.au, zuidberg2001@hotmail.com

Circular letter 4 - Amersfoort, 03 July 2002

Dear friends,

During the last few months you expressed your sympathy and supported us in a variety of ways. Last Monday we visited our medical specialist to discuss the results of the chemotherapy treatment that we underwent. It seems a good moment now to inform you about our situation.

To our distress we have to inform you that Lucie's treatment did not yield the result that we hoped for. On the contrary, the cancerous tumours in her belly have grown and spread. The chemotherapy treatments will be stopped. What rests are courage, faith and prayers, and making preparations to fight pain and possible complications. We hope that it will be possible to receive the support and guidance needed to enable Lucie to stay at home.

Gerard's condition under Kahler's disease has stabilized after the third treatment despite the fact that the treatment was less 'strong' that the previous ones. The same treatment will be continued during August and September. 

We need not explain that we are distressed by this bad news. At the same time we are very grateful for the many token of friendship that we received over the last few months and for prayers that were said for us and on our behalf. One of Lucie's Indian friends wrote: God's strength is revealed in our weakness. …. Hope God's presence in your weakness strengthens you always." We recognise our own line of thinking in these sentences; we try to keep them as a guideline, a lifeline.

As you will understand, we hope -as far as possible - to keep in contact with you. In looking at the (written) signs of your friendship and sympathy that we received we feel your presence on our side. Thank you so much.

Best wishes and warm greetings,
Gerard and Lucie

P.S. We are not in a position to reach by email everybody with whom we would like to share the content of this letter. Please feel free to pass on this information to others who are interested.

Gerard en Lucie Dulfer - Luijendijk
Sint Andriesstraat 18
3811 HT Amersfoort
The Netherlands 
Tel. + 31 33 479 99 50
Email: dulfer@xs4all.nl